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Classroom on Zoom & Visualization Symbols

In this five weeks teaching, creating, meditating, visualizing... Students and Instructor were meeting at Zoom. Total four projects completed within five weeks. We introduced the idea of using specific Symbols to contemplate, meditate and harness their own internal wisdom and creative powers.  It was conducting in the beginning of the each workshop and the end of each session.  The idea is using collective consciousness to support the group, yet the individual had their own creative flows during the visualization  

   Here are some of the symbols and classroom snapshots.


  1.   Black and White Self-Portrait: using white charcoal drawing the self-portrait on a piece of black paper. was having students to contemplating on the negative and positive aspects, and how view things and themselves in different perspective.

  2.  Self Portrait-Acrylic on 18"x12" canvas: We invited students to see themselves in a colorful and creative gesture, it could be their future self, viewing them as an artist, or ideal appearance

  3. Found Object Sculpture: Contemplating on the social texture, emotional texture, which relates to their daily life at school, in their neighborhood, or at their home. Each sculpture requires five different textures. 

  4. Story & Illustrations: Students need to write a story (550 words), and it needs to be demonstrates a key value, for example, trust, patience, joy, etc.  Then draw 7 -10 illustrations, which relate to the story. 

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