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Project Knowledge offered an Art Training Program this past summer!


Young local student artists received training and art supplies to help create their own professional artist portfolio.


Students who were chosen to remain in the program were given the opportunity for additional training in Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator in Phase 2 of PK&Art. 


PK&Art is more than an art class.  Your student is participating in an active research program. In order to pay your students as participants in the research we will need parental permission. 

Click the links below to sign from your computer. 

Contact us if you need the forms to be mailed to you.

Please read & Sign the digital forms. The Institutional Review Board Form (IRB) has two places for you signature. The Media Release Form allows us to post images of your child on the website.  You must sign these forms in order for your child to be paid for participating in the VSU Project Knowledge Study.

Participant Payments

Instead of issuing checks to your child as a participant, we are using Go-Henry debit cards. Go-Henry also offers a mobile app that helps kids learn to budget, save, donate and invest. Parents are required to create a Go Henry account. The account requires a Parent balance of $5.00 for the first 30 days. All of your child's funds will be deposited before the end of the first 30 days and they are not required to use the Go Henry app.  There is a monthly fee after the first 30 days. You will be reminded to close your account if you choose to do so. If you do not close the account you will be charged a monthly administration fee. 

Sign up with the Go Henry App for payment to be made to the students.  

Program Details

Training Provided

  • We'll work with the young artists to create their first professional artist portfolio

  • The first Kick Off Session will be in person at the studio of S. Ross Browne

  • There are five additional sessions with a professional artist Ling-An Fang

supplies provided

  • All art materials needed for the training sessions will be supplied by the sponsors and delivered to students at the Kick-Off event

  • Subscription fees to iXL and Team Excel (or any other required apps will be covered by the sponsors)

important info

  • Signed Parental consent is required: Here
  • Completed student information form


  • The work of each participant over the five training sessions will be judged by a panel of professionals. Work will be judged on the demonstration of skills acquired or improved from training

  • Students invited to remain in the program will also have demonstrated the characteristics listed below

More on Expectations



Attendance at all scheduled sessions at least 5 minutes before session starts



During the Zoom sessions students will work on material related to the class session only



While in class, students will work on the task without being distracted and follow instructor directions



All art projects will be completed by or before the due dates set by the instructor



All work will be an example of the student's best efforts



Some academic content is included in this training program. Students are expected to complete these online assignments by or before due date set by the instructors


Thanks to our Sponsors

PK&Art is a collaboration between PK-VSU, Phygital Learn, LLC, Communities in School Petersburg and Capital One Bank and works in partnership with Petersburg City Public Schools.

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